Jun 16, 2008

Home Sweet Home... :)

I Feel : Charged Up!

Today's Thought : Music makes me who I am.

Four days of Kerala <=> Heaven.

'Nuff said!

It's funny how stuff that used to be on your THE MOST IMPORTANT list once upon a time fades away. And then when you think about it after a while, you wonder, "Why was that so important to me?". And you just can't figure out why. But I guess, that's the essence of life.

It just goes on happening. You know that all this won't matter in a few years', but yet, you need to fight for it. You simply need to hitch your wagon to some star. And then another star. And then another. Because what are we without our dreams.

And it is such a dream that's charging me up now. "Flashback" is growing, refusing to stay within the boundaries that I build for it. It is becoming the representation of some kind of alter ego that flows out of my fingertips whenever I write. And now I'm thinking "Book.". Someday, I hope, it will.

On a lighter note, I had no idea how out of shape I was till I played basketball at Bosco again after 3 months or so. Two times from coast-to-coast and I was doing my best imitation of "Man Rescued From Drowning". I felt amazed. I used to play for two hours at a stretch. Another important thing that faded away.


I feel I'm growing older, and I hate that feeling.

I need to find me again.

I refuse to join the crowd, I refuse to be ordinary.

I am different.

I am me.


jiYa said...

Absolutely true...!
The 'list' never stays the same.. If it does, then there is something wrong.. :)

Unknown said...

I totally agree with Jiya...

I still can't understand why it was so important for me to fight with my siblings for the car window seat when I was in school..or why it was so important to me to rush to the school bus to reserve a seat...!!

Thinking back, those were stupidest important things I ever wanted.

Have grown out of it now,priorities have changed..still it brings a smile on my face when I see my small sister doing exactly the same things...

But as they say "That's life"..let's concentrate on out priority list now...oops..is it 5.30 yet?... I have to rush to the canteen before 5.45 to reserve a seat in the canteen for snacks :-D

Jaggu said...

@ann mary : wow...valuable insights into ur exciting life...! :)

anna said...

oho... so when i say that u r different, u find it so difficult to believe alle.... wait till i get there...

Jaggu said...

@ anna: I'm different...who isn't...after all isn't that the spice of life...? :)

Yeah, i'm waiting too...