Feb 7, 2011

The Spirit Has Run Out Surprisingly Fast.

Thanks to a combination of work, a weird virus and a cold weather, the New Year spirit has gone AWOL. One week. That's how long it took to disappear. But then again, I'm celebrating the first healthy week since New Year's Day, so tally ho and all that I suppose.

It's been COLD in Chennai, and I know that statement will beget open mouthed disbelief from most of you, but yeah that's how it's been here. Global Warming, El Nino or whatever it is, it's a pain to get up from the cocoon you've created out of a random mix of blankets, sheets, clothes, and whatever else is on your bed, for an 8 AM class. No relief in thinking that this cold wave will pass because then we'll be back to The Usual Chennai Weather, namely The Center Of The Sun.

Now that I've got this post off to a horrifyingly cliched start by talking about the weather, let me vent some steam that's been kept under wraps for much too long.

@IfItAintBigItAintForMe - If you want something big I suggest you go check out porn sites.

@RandomAssholesWhoDon'tGiveAFuck - Guess what? I don't either, that you don't. But then if you come and crib at the end of it all, it only means "You should have.".

Whew. That feels good. Now, if you're reading this and feeling affronted, there's a good chance I meant you.

A weird virus has been doing the rounds and yours truly was among the first to spread it around. Lesson learnt : If antibiotics don't work, try brandy + hot water. In generous amounts. For all the teetotalers, I'm sorry but that worked for me. You're gonna have to figure out your own cure.

I cannot wait for this month to end. Bad blood has been flowing by the barrel, and it's going to be a stretch to last this one out. So, I really need this.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."

Check out the links prowling across the top of this page. It's a lesson in JIT. When you come to LIBA on the 26th and 27th of this month please come and find me, and I shall show you the smallest source of energy in the Universe. 

@Kosu, yes, I meant you earlier. Please get well soon. :(

@MyBestFriend - I know you're watching me type this, but just in case you're pretending not to pay attention, can we stop fighting about random, abstract stuff and get on with some more solid stuff? Part of that depends on you talking to me. Ah, now you see where I'm going with this. :)

@BabyBoo - I love you! :)

@Bud - You're going to be a star by the end of this month. So, just do what you gotta do, and let The Guy Upstairs take care of the rest. Rock maadi.

All together now.