Apr 20, 2011

The Fourth Station.


Pain. Like a thousand arrows that pierce my body, it flows through my veins.


Like a metronome.


My knees cannot hold me up anymore. Through the haze, I can hear men talking. They whisper among themselves. They push each other, for a better view.


Like a metronome. Why do they persist? I stumble. My leg gives way. I feel every grain of sand, every piece of rubble that claws into my knee.

It is not sweat that blinds me. Not anymore.

Crack! "Orthonomai!"

I am dragged back to my feet, I can hear men whispering. I cannot see their faces. Lightning lashes through me. Again.

They whisper my name.


Hold me. For I cannot stand. And even as I fall they mock me.


The whispering ceases. The wall of people separates to reveal her. That face. I would recognize it anywhere.

Her hands are wet with the tears she tries to wipe off her face.

The world has suddenly gone silent.


I am a child again, in the fields. Running. Falling. And even before it hurts, those hands, hold me close.

"I'm here."

"I'm hurt, mother!"

"Not anymore, I'm here."


Or has it.

The hands reach out to me, through the blinding light. And they barely graze my cheek. She is pulled away.

The haze settles once more.


"Not anymore, I'm here."



Like a metronome.


Orthonomai! : "Stand up!" (Greek)

Basilias! : "King!" (Greek)

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