Jan 20, 2010

The Sesky Six.

Disclaimer: The names used in this blog are purely fictional, though the same cannot be said about the characters. Any resemblance to any person, dead or alive, is therefore purely intentional. The fine print is intentional too.

In a world full of Heroes and Villains, The Six blur the line that separates the two. Sometimes in the dark, sometimes in the light, they blend seamlessly into each. Talented. Powerful. Enigmatic. They are the Men Of Tomorrow. Well, most of them anyway.

Econo Mystery
On Friday evening, he disappears. Conspiracy theorists believe he teleports to the Magellan Constellation [citation needed]. Returns from his sojourns late, late into the night on Sunday. Sometimes by Monday afternoon. Hidden behind a shaggy mane, his face is as yet unseen by the world. As the end of the month draws near, he switches to a top-secret, highly specialized diet. He is mankind's answer to The Dragon Warrior.

Master Tigress : It is said that the Dragon Warrior can go for months without eating, surviving on the dew of a single gingko leaf and the energy of the universe.
Well, Dragon Warrior ain't seen nothing yet.

Gizmo Gadget
The ultimate gadget-freak. If it's in the market, he's got it. If it's not in the market yet, he's still got it. His shelves are stocked with "outdated" technology from 3015. 

His current obsessions include :

  • an imaging device that actually transforms the surroundings into a place of the user's choice.
  • a communications thingmajig that allows per second billing for calls to Alpha Centauri, and, dig this, teleporting.
  • a Smoke Device made of Extraterrestrial Crystal. Technically, this is not a gadget. Ah, but who cares, woo-hoo!

Ex Crasy

Years ago, it was rumored that this guy was from another planet. He had the amazing ability to morph into yahoo-road-trip mode in 3.14159265 seconds.Yes, that is pi. Yes, he meant it to be that way. Once, he drank an entire bottle of Absinthe before embarking on a reading marathon that included "The Republic", "Les Miserables" and "The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Collection". Yes, he got through all of them before stifling a yawn.

But then, he met this girl.

Now all he does is shout "Twin-tailed Bushwhacker!" or "Fish-whupped Freefaller!" or something along those lines, every few minutes. Nobody knows what these words mean. But, he insists that in the cosmic sense, they are significant. Nobody knows what that is either.

Sai Lent Maan
He once survived an entire month on air alone. And then he slept. But then, a mortal dared to wake him up. The mortal was skadooshed into tiny, floating particles. 

He rarely spoke, but when he did, the world cowered in fear. He once reduced Hulk Hogan to tears by just looking at him. He was The One they all feared and revered.

But then, he started getting phone calls.

Sodio di Acqua
This jet-setting person lives a 365/24/7 life. Fridays are meaningless to this high-flyer. He is always on the move, sometimes at speeds faster than light itself. No one has seen him during the day. But at night, glimpses of this volatile individual can be caught by the flickering light of a 17" CRT Monitor. He comes, and goes, like lightning. Everything must be done fast, and NOW. And fast.

A repeat offender, he can be identified by his trademark, hedonistic, barf-inducing comments. To ALL photos. Afflicted by the Lastkeystuck Syndrome, his sentences usually end with multiple repetitions of the last character ("wowwwwwwww", "U know whaatttttttt").

Entire tomes have been filled with stories about him. New legends are written about him every day.

He is wanted dead or alive in 3 countries, and dead in 168.

Lightning Bolt Ed
His mind moves at speeds that even light cannot think of. Every decision is made even before the question is asked. Currently the owner of the fastest bike In The Entire Universe, he was pursued by Bajaj, to star in their ad campaign for The World's Fastest Indian.

For him, the past holds no meaning. He lives in the future. He sings songs from the future. His food is made in the future, and time warped to the present. He is The Future.



Fiction! Fiction, I tell you!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely hilarious!

Rindo said...

Heh heh.
Good to know that there are indeed fun co-habitors in this world.

If I were to write something about Tajik and Texot, I'd write something like this too.



Jaggu said...

@ infiniteascent : Thank ye! :) Of course, it's all fiction...Well, most of it anyway... :P

@ Rindo : :D :D He he, yeah, thankfully we didn't have Those Types in our 'hood...We did, earlier on, but they didn't last long in The Middle Of Nowhere... :|

kodampuli said...

Whoa, that's some dig..

"Twin-tailed Bushwhacker!" and "Fish-whupped Freefaller!" .. hehehe ..

Published something along the lines of this at InfyBlogs; Wont come any near to this though..

Jaggu said...

@KodamPuli : Send the InfyBlog content...to my GMail...or post it at Oh Angane Onnum Illa... :D