Because, our real lives just ain't cool enough.
Lord Of The Rings
JRR was a genius. Harry Potter ain't got nuthin' on Middle Earth and its names. Hell, even the bad guys sound cool. The "Orcs" sounded way better than they looked. And the "Uruk-Hai"? Wow. And then there were the "Nazgul". The places too. Minas Tirith. Rivendell. Elendil. Khazad-dum.
What would it be like to live in such a world? What would you be called?
Tiny, bright blue, and running on seemingly unlimited banks of Duracell.
You'll need a really cool name if you look like that.
The Smurf Name Generator might help.
Ah, of course. We all knew it. In fact, we believed it. More so, some of us still do.
All the vampires (or should I say Vampyres) started making their presence felt after Twilight was released. When Spidey saw tiny thingmajigs coming outta his fingers, we all knew we could scale walls too.
Ah well, whatever makes you happy.
We're going to save the world. Over and over and over again. And there's nothing anybody can do about it.
By the way, this is what I'd look like. And I'd be called "WingBlade". With the capital "B" in the middle. Yeah, I know.
Robots never go out of fashion. There's always a cool robot for each generation.
Which is why we're all robots. Really. Deep down inside, we go "tick tock tick tock" and talk to each other in monotones. And then we do The Robot Dance.
Your parents knew a thing or two before they gave you that name. Find out what it really means. You're a robot. Really. Are you ready for the truth?
The future of the universe is in your hands. Your weapon is the innocuous-looking mouse-pad by your side. When you throw it just so, plasma rays (..they're like, totally, supercool rays, mostly green, sometimes blue in color. Nothing, nothing, can stop plasma rays.) come out from the sides. And you become a two-dimesional, anime-d, Japanese cartoon, with your mouth stuck in "scream" mode. Forever.
Super Mystery Fireball Ignite!
Wait, doesn't somebody have to choose you?
Aren't we kewl.