Jan 5, 2010

I Promise...

...to not say "Twenty-Ten". Ever. It's "Two thousand ten".

...to be able to dunk again, by this time next year.

...to gruesomely deal with anybody who evangelizes to me again. It will be very unpleasant. Be warned.

...to write about the aforementioned evangelizing later this month.

...to write down a Bucket List, and then start working through it steadily. 'Cos, you never know.

...to learn how to play "Wake Me Up When September Ends" on the guitar before September ends.

...to lose my cool more often. It's very liberating.

...to sing out loud, instead of humming with the headphones on.

...to resist the urge to drive like a maniac.

...to stop using Orkut. It sucks.

...to not panic about my receding hairline, each time I look in the mirror.

...to work my way through the IMDB top 250 list.

...to get a REAL life. I heard they have everything on eBay.

...to write better stuff on this blog.

...to write better stuff.

...to write.


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